Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Other details of your website

How do search engines look at Images?
Search Engine secret: Some search engines look at the text within the ALT tag of the image and use it as keywords for the search.Image design tips: Use the ALT tag to insert text information about the image. See if you can make use of keywords. This feature is also useful when images are turned off while browsing or if character based browsers are being used.

How do search engines look at Frames?
If your website page uses frames, then search engines treat this as separate links leading to another page. So it might not consider the information that is there on the frame. Or it might index it as part of a new page. To overcome this, one can make use of noframes tag. Frames design tips: When frames are used, insert text information about your website using keywors and phrases in between and tags in the HTML code and placed just after the frameset information.

How do search engines look at JavaScript?
If the website page has JavaScript in the beginning of the source code, it usually takes up several lines. Search Engine ignores this. And as the search engines look for information to index in the beginning of the webpage the information that appears later on in the body text may also get neglected.

Do you want a particular webpage not to be indexed?
The robots tag tells the search engines not to index that webpage.

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